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Bin diving in Vancouver, Canada.
Mega find from Trondheim,Norway.
More than often you will find a lot of food in these low and large box-looking gray dumpsters, in Luxembourg.
Copenhagen: A Floating City trailer loaded with the catch from only one organic food container. The Floating City is a project where people build boats and other stuff mostly from material they find for free in the city. Anyone can join the project and live and work here.
Dumpsterdammer Robino talking to an audience of 80 people in a theater in Leiden, explaining the origins of the food on their plates.
Dumpster dived food from one street in Toulouse.

Welcome to Trashwiki, the collaborative world wide guide of creating value from trash!

It is written for and by dumpster divers, freegans and others of such kind. Here you will find plenty of trash-related articles: you can search by specific countries, by places like markets, by food types, etc. We already have 882 articles on trash and living for free. You can find precise descriptions of how to get rid of your trash in a sustainable manner, how to sensibly recuperate trash, how to share and get stuff for free, and much much more...

"One person's trash is another's treasure"
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Dumpster Diving Maps

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