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trashwiki.org:How to add maps

From trashwiki.org

It's possible to add maps to Trashwiki.

To create a map

  1. Go to the article where you want to add or edit a map.
  2. Click on the Make a map icon on the right of the icons when you're editing a page.
  3. A map will show up.
  4. Find the right location in the widget in the left bottom.
  5. Zoom to dimensions that seem right.
  6. Add points by clicking on the map.
  7. Copy the Wiki mark-up shown below into the article's editing area, and save page.

To add external map

This article or its section is a stub. You can help by expanding the article.

If you already have a map in Google Maps, do all the steps of "How to create a map" except step nr.6, then go to your map in Google Maps and copy the link of the KML or RSS in the "External KML/GeoRSS" box, and insert this link before the command line </googlemap>. ???

To make map points with text

This article or its section is a stub. You can help by expanding the article.

Need help?

If something goes wrong and you still can't figure out how to insert a map with your recommended places or put points/text on the map, write about your trouble here, and someone will soon help you out! Nice, isn't?


Feel free to play around (test your edits) with this map in the article.

<googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.860946" lon="2.350731" zoom="16"> (A) 48.858899, 2.347598, Place 2 testing 48.860452, 2.355151, Place 3 rate this place good/bad 48.859028, 2.350245, Place 1 rate good/bad </googlemap>