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trashwiki.org:Community portal

From trashwiki.org
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There are also older community discussions

MW 1.17.0

I upgraded to MediaWiki 1.17.0. I turned off BackAndForth and the CategoryTree extensions since they were breaking stuff. BreadCrumbs had an issue as well that [fixed in an inappropriate manner], for now :) Some stuff might still be broken.. and I see now there's a link to this page from the sidebar, which was empty. Has this always been like that? guaka 08:54, 15 November 2011 (CET)

Thanx for fix and tricks. :) Regarding Community portal, I just now noticed that it is missing history, although we had pretty lots of stuff here. Deletion log does not have any records of this page being deleted. Did it get lost in the process of upgrades/moves or smth? --Sigurdas 03:42, 22 November 2011 (CET)
Oh, I found the problem: previous Trashwiki:Community Portal was replaced by current Trashwiki:Community portal (with small p letter). Should we revert back to capital P or just copy/paste info from the old version to the current one? --Sigurdas 21:27, 8 February 2012 (CET)
I'll check it out now, let's keep the history though :) guaka 22:34, 8 February 2012 (CET)

Spam on user pages

Hi! In Special:RecentChanges I spotted some user accounts were created just to make advertisements for weight-loss products. --Hedwig 17:50, 4 March 2012 (CET)

Yes, it's a common problem on wikis unfortunately. I noticed even more more spam on wikis in the past couple of weeks. I just made you sysop so you can help us fight this spam. ;) guaka 19:46, 4 March 2012 (CET)


I'll be working on a spamkill extension. Not great yet but it's supposed to make our lives easier in the near future ) guaka 14:52, 11 May 2012 (CEST)

Went for an existing extension instead, check Special:Nuke. Could probably still be improved though. guaka 17:38, 15 May 2012 (CEST)
Possible improvements:
  • tab button
  • block the user
  • don't allow empty (=all) input
guaka 23:37, 15 May 2012 (CEST)

Spam / MrTweek

User:MrTweek wanted to add some info to Trashwiki now that he's dumpster diving a lot in Melbourne and was blocked by our harsh spam blocker. I gave him proper access to manage things and fix this for him. Meanwhile I changed some spam settings so we might be getting a little bit more spam than in the past months, but we'll probably also get more contributors as quite a few people wrote me they weren't able to edit. I think most people are too lazy to contact anyone for that :) So in brief: possibly a little bit more spam for a short period, but more contributors over the long run. Also another tech hand to help in case of things and someone who can scratch his trashwiki tech itches :) guaka 17:38, 7 October 2012 (CEST)

Well, I finally set up a cat selector spam test. DNSBL wasn't working and I disabled it. I also set up Trashbot, to delete some spam pages but it could also be used for lot more than that if needed. Maybe I'll use it to automatically link between hitch, trash, couch and sharewiki :) guaka (talk) 17:55, 25 December 2012 (CET)
And it seems it's mostly working! There might be some spam bots that managed to create an account that will still add some shite but it'll probably be minimal. Until they'll be able to tell cats from dogs ;) guaka (talk) 01:25, 26 December 2012 (CET)


Been editing a bit the looks of the front-page. Any comments welcome. I also wanted to do some more stylesheet / css editing to make the background picture come out better. But where do I start ? --robino (talk) 12:45, 20 March 2013 (CET)

Great! MediaWiki:Common.css for stuff that's for all skins, MediaWiki:Vector.css for specific Vector skin stuff. guaka (talk) 15:29, 20 March 2013 (CET)

Responsibility for certain pages

Previously I have been correcting every edit that needed to have a "correction", so that all pages would look standardized, language would be clean, etc. But the wiki has grown, while my personal time for it is more limited than before. Therefore from now on I will focus mostly on certain pages, via Watch function. I was thinking about looking after Scandinavian and Baltics regions (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and all city pages in these countries). IMHO, it would be more effective if we, active users and admins, divided our attention into "responsibility zones" - a cluster of pages with one or two persons having a major responsibility over page quality. In this way we can easier ensure the quality of Trashwiki (with fewer empty of "lost" pages, standardization of information input, quick spam removal, etc.). Just a suggestion for others. --sigurdas (talk) 21:10, 5 April 2013 (CEST)

Good idea. I'll watch Western Europe!
But I can also use Trashbot for some of these things. guaka (talk) 00:28, 6 April 2013 (CEST)

Mag integration

I finally started working on Trashmaps.org. First stages now. I'll be on IRC #hitchhiking for some time if you want to help :) guaka (talk) 19:47, 8 July 2013 (CEST)

Set up a github repository. Feel free to add issues: https://github.com/guaka/trashmaps/issues guaka (talk) 23:43, 8 July 2013 (CEST)
Would be great to include this, or dumpstermap.org into wiki articles!

EU Food Waste consultation

An EU Food Waste consultation started. It's happening until 01.10.2013. Here's the PDF: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/consultations/pdf/Questionnaire_food.pdf And here's the actual form: http://ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/ipm/forms/dispatch?form=susfood As trashwiki contributors we have a lot of knowledge and ideas about this. So I want to work on a collective Trashwiki submission: project:EU Food Waste consultation. guaka (talk) 09:50, 16 July 2013 (CEST)

On the page "http://trashwiki.org/en/Main_Page"


--Déchétarien90 (talk) 12:03, 27 August 2016 (CEST)